Around Eupen

  • Cycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Eupen - Along the Helle
  • Cycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Baelen - Mazarinen
  • Cycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Eupen - Vesdre Dam
  • Cycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Baelen - Mazarinen
  • Cycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Eupen
  • Cycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Eupen - Helle Spillway
  • Cycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Eupen - Clouseweiher Pond
  • Cycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Eupen - Clouseweiher Pond
  • Cycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Eupen - Diebach Pond
  • Cycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Membach - Picnic Area
Cycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Eupen - Along the HelleCycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Baelen - MazarinenCycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Eupen - Vesdre DamCycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Baelen - MazarinenCycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - EupenCycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Eupen - Helle SpillwayCycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Eupen - Clouseweiher PondCycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Eupen - Clouseweiher PondCycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Eupen - Diebach PondCycling and hiking tours - Around Eupen - Membach - Picnic Area
You begin your walk along the forest paths of the Osthertogenwald, bordering the Vesdre dam and heading towards the town of Eupen. Eupen is not only the capital of the German-speaking Community, but also a cultural town famous for its carnival, which is celebrated with great fervour in the Rhineland tradition. Its Baroque architectural style dates back to the heyday of the cloth industry (17th and 18th centuries). You continue your walk along the country lanes of the municipality of Baelen, which offer beautiful panoramic views of the region, to return to Eupen, this time in the lower town, at the confluence of the Vesdre and Helle rivers. You will pass by the Helle weir and finish your walk alongside the river in the Hertogenwald, a state forest and gateway to the High Fens reserve.

Please note: along the Helle, between points-nœuds 57, 68 and 56, it’s best to be equipped with a mountain bike or hybrid bike. You can bypass this section via points-nœuds 2, 41, 42 and 47 from junction 40. Alternatively, you can shorten the section by passing directly through points-nœuds 57, 56 and 2.

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Elevation: 422 m
  • Distance: 36 km
  • Starting point: Langesthal, 164 - Langesthal car park (above the Vesdre dam) - 4700 Eupen
  • Nodes to follow: 47 → 32 → 88 → 34 → 37 → 36 → 35 → 82 → 39 → 40 → 58 → 57 → 68 → 56 → 2 → 41 → 42 → 47
  • Download the walk
- Departure/Arrival
- Point of interest
Circuit n° 1
Nodes to follow47 → 32 → 88 → 34 → 37 → 36 → 35 → 82 → 39 → 40 → 58 → 57 → 68 → 56 → 2 → 41 → 42 → 47
  • Difficulty :
    • Medium
  • Height variation :
    • 422 m
  • Distance :
    • 36 kms
  • Departure :
    • Lieu de départ Eupen