Pub Grain d'Orge (Le)

  • Pub Grain d'Orge
  • Labels :
    • Bikes Welcome
  • Category :
    • Bar
    • Brewery
  • Culinary specialities :
    • Refreshments
    • Local cuisine
  • Restaurant :
    • 30 covers
  • Facilities/Services :
    • Terrace
    • Wi-Fi connection
    • Parking
Wheelchair users :
  • Fiche Informative
Persons with walking difficulties :
  • Fiche Informative
Blind persons :
  • Fiche Informative
Visually impaired persons :
  • Fiche Informative
Deaf persons :
  • Coup de main ponctuel
Hearing impaired persons :
  • En autonomie
Persons with a difficulty of understanding :
  • Coup de main ponctuel

Fields with an asterisk (*) must be filled in.
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According to Law n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 of the National Commission on Informatics and Liberty (CNIL), relating to information technology, files and liberty (article 36), the holder of the access right can demand that the information concerning him be corrected, added to, clarified, updated or deleted if it is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, has expired or if its collection or use, communication or retention is prohibited. To exercise this right, please state it in the form above.
16 Centre
Phone : +3287315170
Mob : +33 +32497780973
  • Languages spoken :
    • French
